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ST. DAVID'S Cathedral

In association with St. David's Cathedral Festival

A Monastery was founded on the site by St. David, who died in 589. The present Cathedral was begun in 1181. Much of the building was destroyed by Parliamentary soldiers in 1648, but careful restoration in the 18th, 19th and early 20th Centuries has seen this wonderful church brought back to its former glory. It's stunning location give it added appeal. St. David's became a city in 1995.

St. David's Cathedral Festival is a major annual arts event which features top orchestras and soloists from Wales and as far away as Australia. For Acoustic Triangle, there couldn't be a more spectacular venue in which to celebrate the start of the tour.

Special thanks to Mr. Timothy Noon, the Organist and Festival Director.

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Acoustic Triangle Sacred Tour

Tuesday May 31st

Time: 10.15pm
Tickets: £10 (Students £5, Under-16s free)
Phone: 01437 720804

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